Friday, October 7, 2011

Lecture Comments: "The Script"

This lecture got me excited about taking writing to a new level through imagery and sounds. This section of the class is quite interesting - never thought we would be diving into the movie making/script writing process. I have always loved imagery, visual arts, movies, television - basically anything that told a story visually. Now I get to create some of those things, inspired not only by Robert but by my favorite film makers as well. I plan to go the storyboard route, it is the closest to my skill set and I already have a good idea of the direction I want to take.

It is amazing how sounds and images in film can say so much in telling a story. In my view it sometimes tells it better than words, but one also has to pick up on the visual cues. I never noticed the zippo scene in The Godfather as being so significant (then again the last time I saw it was 10 years ago - must rewatch). Films can also not be as good as a book/novel and that is because of how the reader creates imagery without being presented any. When reading, we create our own world (closest to the author's descriptions) in which the story manifests. With film, we are given the visuals and have to almost work backwards to understand the characters that normally would be described in the book. Movies like the Lord of the Rings trilogy does a great job of staying true to the text but also creating a magnificent world that is close to (and beyond) what we pictured in our heads.

It will be difficult to write like a script writer does or a storyboard designer draws. From what we have been learning so far, this is an interesting twist into how we present information. Looks like it will be a lot of fun.

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