Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Lecture Comments: "The Pitch"

Much of what I discussed in Lecture Comments: "Presentation" apply to these comments as well.
It was interesting to hear about crazes like the colored rubber bands and The Lance Armstrong Foundation. It goes to show that simple ideas can have huge impacts. There is no need to over complicate things in an already complicated world.

I enjoyed the video link to and how innovation can begin with just making things fun. It opens up the doors to thinking creatively yet simply. If everything we do in life could translate to fun then a lot of mental disorders would diminish.

"Everything we have discussed about writing applies to a pitch and proposal.
You have thought long and hard about your voice –what you might have to say.
The proposal is the first practical application of your abstract ideas and arguments.
What do you want to do?"

I have noticed a real transition from the first four weeks to now. I imagined this to be a writing class with a traditional sense about writing. I never knew how involved and interlaced writing is with the world. Like art, it is in everything we do. I wish I knew this before I started this class, at least it might have been slightly easier for me to interpret what I wanted to propose, pitch and present.

I never imagined a connection between writing about natural disasters and the business-like ideas of a pitch and proposal. I wanted to tell a story. Maybe I wanted to write a script, after all I have been through it may just make a good movie. I am not a great salesperson. I dropped out of business school in the late nineties. I struggled with microeconomics. Maybe if I focus on that story, there will be a proposal I have not thought of or a pitch to a film producer. It seems it could be as simple as telling that story that no one else has been through like I have. Is it valuable?

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