Monday, September 26, 2011


Since the start of this class I knew I wanted to write about Tropical Storm Irene. Having lived through its effects first hand opened my eyes to what a storm like Irene can do to people and their livelihood. Not only do storms and disasters like this one cause extreme damage to property, they cause a tremendous amount of psychological damage to the people who live through them. In focusing in on Irene's effects in CT, particularly coastal towns like East Haven and Branford, I hope to create a unique online presence that tells the story of Irene. I hope to unearth information and statistics to reveal that Tropical Storm Irene was one of the most devastating storms to ever hit CT.

Through the use of specific keyword phrases I hope to optimize search ability to my blog. The content people will find in searching for me or my pseudonym will be related to hurricanes and tropical storm stats and stories specifically in CT. I also wish to extend promotional invitations to my blog using social media pages like Google+, Facebook and Twitter. It is important that people in CT find a local voice like mine to reveal how Irene impacted the state.

I plan to continue to tell my story about my experiences with Irene, using my voice as first hand evidence of the tremendous power of nature. Using some photography in unison with words I hope to vividly convey a unique message about how natural disasters change peoples lives.


  1. Drake, you are right. You are a local voice and the first hand facts that you have about natural disasters, in particular, Hurricane Irene, is what makes this blog work. So far, you are spot on in your direction of being a voice for the post-storm impact and statistics. Your 'how-to' guide that you wrote about storm preparation is testament that your blog should show up if someone was performing a search related to hurricanes. My one suggestion; why don't you categorize your blog entries? I am not sure if Blogspot offers it but if you can categorize your blog it will help searchers locate your page.
    Looking forward to reading more Drake. Best, Amie.

  2. You have an amazing story to tell about Irene, which makes you the perfect local voice for discussing the storm’s impact on Connecticut.

    I was riveted by the earlier post where you laid out in great detail how the storm forced its way into your home and the lives of you and your family. (I feel a little guilty for complaining about the water in my basement.)

    Your experience would make a great newspaper or magazine article — tying in your personal story with the cold, hard facts about damages and costs to the state, etc. I’m sure you’re still recovering a month later, and that could be the angle.

    You might even consider, too, expanding outside of Irene later on, by looking at other storms.
    Good luck to you, Drake!
