Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Lecture Comments: "Presentation"

A pitch always came across to me as a business proposition. In my eyes it loses its literary value somehow and becomes something only a business person can convey. Then again, in persuading, we are using descriptive language to draw someones attention. In that case, presentation and pitch are nothing more than selling a story or an idea, a presentation.

"Which makes one wonder if this insecurity and well, silliness, hasn’t spilled over into our sociology. Our idea of communication has become a business presentation – a sales pitch. We treat most instances of sharing knowledge like something we have to win at all costs. Our lack of embarrassment depends on it."

This is true, all communications, conversation and writing is a pitch. We are all out in this world to pitch ourselves - what we like, what we do, and who we are. We are nothing more than walking commodities, purchasable items, and idea holders with price tags. We all wander around this Earth searching for our "worth". We all wonder what our value is. Communication plays a big part in finding that - it helps us place value in how we express ourselves. If there was no expression or communication I doubt we would have even evolved as a species. On the topic of embarrassment, lets just say we all fear it and will do anything to avoid it. Nothing screams 'worthless' more than someone looking like an idiot.

"Marketing depends on our insecurity, but it is also a form of insecurity. If I am content with myself, then I need fewer products or lessons to improve myself or make me feel successful. On the other side of the equation, if I believe in my product or information, I don’t have to hype it; I just have to share it."

I agree that marketing depends on our insecurity, look at all the products and services designed to mask our true self - altering us into beautiful gods/goddesses. Is beauty really meant to hide the natural ugliness that comes from each other judging or placing value on each other all the time? Everything in life must have its place and we all search for beauty over ugliness, perfection over chaos, and love over hate. These ideas often reverse, leaving us at a ladder rung lower in our expectations. Being content is having expectations met, or at least dealt with in some way, leaving us with no further need or want for more products or services.

Sharing a product or service is fine, but it really is a humble way of marketing ourselves. Deep down we all want to be noticed for who we are. We all want to be loved and appreciated. We all essentially want to be valued.

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